Style props for the visual appearance of an element.
interface AppearanceSetProps extends BackgroundColorProps, BorderProps, BorderRadiusProps, BoxShadowProps, OpacityProps
backgroundColor | OptionalResponsiveProp<BackgroundColorProperty> Sets the background color of an element. |
border | OptionalResponsiveProp<BorderProperty<Length>> Sets an element's border. It's a shorthand for |
borderBottom | OptionalResponsiveProp<BorderBottomProperty<Length>> Sets the width, line style, and color for an element's bottom border. |
borderColor | OptionalResponsiveProp<BorderColorProperty> Sets the color of all sides of an element's border. |
borderLeft | OptionalResponsiveProp<BorderLeftProperty<Length>> Sets the width, line style, and color for an element's left border. |
borderRadius | OptionalResponsiveProp<BorderRadiusProperty<Length>> Rounds the corners of an element's outer border edge. You can set a single radius to make circular corners, or two radii to make elliptical corners. |
borderRight | OptionalResponsiveProp<BorderRightProperty<Length>> Sets the width, line style, and color for an element's right border. |
borderStyle | OptionalResponsiveProp<BorderStyleProperty> Sets the line style for all four sides of an element's border. |
borderTop | OptionalResponsiveProp<BorderTopProperty<Length>> Sets the width, line style, and color for an element's top border. |
borderWidth | OptionalResponsiveProp<BorderWidthProperty<Length>> Sets the widths of all four sides of an element's border. |
borderX | OptionalResponsiveProp<BorderProperty<Length>> Sets the width, line style, and color for an element's left and right borders. |
borderY | OptionalResponsiveProp<BorderProperty<Length>> Sets the width, line style, and color for an element's top and bottom borders. |
boxShadow | OptionalResponsiveProp<BoxShadowProperty> Adds shadow effects around an element's frame. You can set multiple effects separated by commas. A box shadow is described by X and Y offsets relative to the element, blur and spread radii, and color. |
opacity | OptionalResponsiveProp<GlobalsNumber | string> Sets the transparency of an element or the degree to which content behind an element is visible. |